Healthy Apple Valley meeting notes, April 2010

Committee members in attendance:

Ralph Wright, Shira Mathis, Elizabeth Walker, Valerie Smith, Linda Mayfield, Kevin Mahany, Allen Christensen, Gary House, Anya Sage, Jim Andersen, Linda Blakemore, Pam Cupp, Chuck Hanson, Pat Hanson, Lena Quinonez, Angel Baltazar

The following items were discussed:

Sat., May 1 — Kids Safety Fair

Committee members signed up to participate in the HEALTHY APPLE VALLEY booth.

Various committee members volunteered to bring items for the booth (Pam Cupp, Anya Sage & Allen Christensen, Hansons, Valerie Smith). Ralph will check on availability of having the SMOOTHIE BIKE at our booth, too.

** Members not in attendance at the meeting can STILL participate by coming to the Civic Center Park — look for our booth, come on in, and be an advocate for Healthy Apple Valley, by talking to residents! Fair is from 11am-2pm

Mon., May 3 — Ride for Bike Lanes

Committee members signed up to participate at the end of the ride by distributing a HEALTHY APPLE VALLEY survey and a flyer about HEALTHY APPLE VALLEY.

** Members not in attendance at the meeting can STILL participate by coming to the Jess Ranch parking lot by the AUTO CLUB building from 6:30pm – 7:00pm.

Allen Christensen will bring the survey and Valerie Smith will bring flyers for distribution.

Tues., May 25 — SAVE THE DATE!

We will notify you by 5/10 if we will be participating in a town council presentation relating to Healthy Apple Valley. If we are, we will also be holding our monthly meeting at 5pm (before the council meeting at 6:30pm) There will be NO meeting on 5/27.

Grant Funding Opportunities

Linda Mayfield is working on a California Wellness grant and will look into possibility of a Kaiser HEAL grant. We are also awaiting to hear if funding will be granted, to the Town, by the Dept. of Public Health (awards will be announced 5/8)

Subcommittee Formation

Three subcommittees were formed with members present at the meeting.

** Members not present at the 4/22 meeting can STILL SIGN UP FOR A SUBCOMMITTEE (Please notify Valerie at of your interest, asap)

Subcommittees WILL be meeting prior to our May 25 meeting. The designated chairs of each subcommittee will be in contact with members on their respective subcommittee to establish a meeting.

Subcommittee responsibilities were discussed. Responsibilities of the subcommittees, prior to the 5/25 meeting, will be to research what other communities are doing, determine what you think your subcommittee could do, set some goals, and be ready to provide some suggestions to the larger group.

Here’s who has volunteered, so far.


  • Chuck & Pat Hanson
  • Lori Cooper
  • Kevin Mahany — chair
  • Linda Mayfield


  • Allen Christensen
  • Gary House — chair
  • Shira Mathis
  • Elizabeth Walker


  • Kathy Martin
  • Ralph Wright
  • Casey Armstrong
  • Anya Sage — chair

** Three Town employees will serve as liaisons for our Healthy Apple Valley committee:

  • Lena Quinonez (Parks & Rec)
  • Jim Andersen (Code Enforcement)
  • Pam Cupp (Planning)

Valerie Smith agreed to serve as chair of the Healthy Apple Valley committee for 2010.

Greg Raven

Author: Greg Raven

I may be slow, but that’s only because I’m so old and fat.