The OmniBike Bill

The OmniBike Bill (AB-1909) changes how cars and bike riders share the road. The goals and purpose of the changes were to ensure that cyclists on California streets were safer and more protected, to help cyclists and motorists safely share the road, and to reduce collisions involving bike riders and motorists. The bill makes four significant changes to the vehicle code in California.

First, drivers passing a bicyclist travelling in the same direction must change lanes/move over into an adjacent traffic lane, if available, before passing a bicycle, just as it would when passing another car on the road. That is, vehicles must move into another lane with due regard for safety and traffic conditions, if practicable and not prohibited by law. This contrasts with the previous law – a.k.a. the 3-foot rule passed in or about 2013/2014, which required that a driver passing a bike rider do so at a distance of at least three feet. Many felt this 3-foot rule was too hard to measure with two moving objects on the road, was difficult to enforce, and did not provide enough room or cushion for the safety of a bicyclist. This change is a significant improvement over the previous 3-foot rule. It offers clearer directives and makes it easier for cars to pass bikers safely while preventing and reducing serious and life-altering bicycle accidents. The requirement of changing lanes to pass will make it easier for police to cite drivers who fail to give bikes room for safety. Penalties may vary by county, but those who violate the law face fines and fees.

Second, cities and counties are now prohibited from requiring and enforcing bicycle licenses’ law.

Third, the new law essentially eliminates local authorities’ ability to ban electric bikes from bike paths. Class 3 electric bicycle riders are permitted on approved bicycle paths, trails, and lanes. In other words, there is no longer a statewide ban on class 3 (the fastest) electric bikes on bicycle paths, trails, bikeways, bicycle lanes, equestrian trails, and hiking and recreational trails. Notably, electric bicycles can still be banned from certain hiking trails and equestrian paths.

A fourth change that goes into effect on January 1, 2024, is that bicyclists can cross an intersection when a WALK pedestrian signal is on instead of only when there is a green light.

Greg Raven

Author: Greg Raven

I may be slow, but that’s only because I’m so old and fat.